Review by: Joe Caithness

Give have a lot to compete with locally, not only do they have to stand up to previous bands such as Lion of Judah, the surrounding current DC scene’s main players such as Coke Bust and Sick Fix, and course 30 odd years of much celebrated punk and hardcore from the capital city of the USA. But they do it with originality, energy and by releasing some fucking great records.

This two tracker, recorded at Inner Ear no less, shows off their usual flowerhead aesthetic (hey bands, why don’t you get your own aesthetic like these guys instead of backwards engineering 80s hc bands shirts / flyers off the internet? just saying…) The A side, I Am Love is a stomping aggro plea for peace with Fugazi/Soulside-esque groove outs and guitar squeals, while the flip is a raging punk rock chugger with a Rites of Spring-esque heart string pulling, fists in the air chorus.

This record is like 4 minutes long in total, but don’t worry, you can keep flipping it and listen to it every day. This is what I’m doing. Also, like all their music, it is available for free download, why not grab this and all their other great singles?