Pacer - Making Plans - Download (2012)

Labels: self released
Review by: MH

Do you still like pop punk? Probably not, but if you do then I recommend giving this a listen. Pacer have been around for a couple of years but have previously only released an EP and a split with Iron Chic. They come from Kingston/London area and are ex-The Steal and various other bands. This debut album has an old school feel to it with a Lifetime bent and is a touch more melodic at times than their previous efforts. The vocals are hoarse and yelled at times but sung on the more melodic tracks “” the guitar sound is cranked up too. As with on the previous EP they have captured the live sound of the band perfectly. Every song on here is a winner. “œFlutters” stands out for me “” a real driving anthem which really comes to life towards the end. This song will be an ideal set closer for them. “œIce Eater” is about self-doubt and lacking confidence. It finds them in Jawbreaker territory and is another cracking tune. Mark Pavey’s vocals show more range than before and he even sounds a bit like Blake Schwarzenbach on this one. Their knack at melodic songwriting is highlighted by the more catchy “œRoads” and the title track in particular. Pacer are equally comfortable going hell for leather as they show on “Sourpuss” and the closing track which sounds more like the previous stuff they have put out. Whether you like this is going to depend on your take on this type of music but I think this album is ace and I don’t expect to hear many better pop punk albums this year.