Roger Sellers is a solo artist from Austin, Texas. There are 17 songs on this album and he also produced it. This is quite an ambient album with some more straightforward, simpler songs interspersed throughout as well as some more experimental tracks. There is quite an array of instruments too – all of which he plays, if I am not mistaken. In addition, there are numerous samples and warped effects on the instruments and vocals – backwards loops appear on occasion. The opening track starts off with some simple piano and blends in some more experimental sounds and feedback towards the end before things settle down and the vocals appear on the melancholy ‘Stingle’. The vocals are understated and remind me of something like Belle & Sebastian, or even Mew, in their more gentle nature. One or two of the tracks feature guest female vocals – or is that his voice warped? I have been burnt once before in getting the gender of a vocalist wrong in a review and don’t intend it to happen again so I will leave the answer open. It was Corey Orbison that got me last time – I was convinced it was a girl singing and then someone pointed out the truth on my review. I looked them up on youtube and saw the quite glaring mistake I had made. Actually, it has to be female on these two tracks – wait, no… not sure… dammit! I’m going non-commital… no, it’s definitely a girl this time… anyway, one of those songs, the slow and dreamy ‘Seeindream’ is probably the standout track for me. ‘In Yer Eyes’ is another excellent song. At times he reminds me of The Tallest Man On Earth – mainly on the banjo and mandolin-led tracks which probably makes that a lazy comparison. One of the things I like about this album is that the layered instrumentation and experimental elements complement each song well, without dominating the sounds and it’s all kept relatively straightforward on the majority of the tracks. This is a layered and varied album which will get plenty of listens in my house. Moments is very relaxing and laid back. Cool artwork too – looks like he has a cauliflower mouth from going twelve rounds with a heavyweight.

By M H