Sans Serif - I'm Not In Love (I'm in Dartmouth) - Download (2011)

Labels: self released
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Does any band need 8 people in it? Sans Serif apparently do. 8 is a lot of people, considering they make indie pop, but with a violin. Maybe one of them is a dancer? This band is from Halifax in Canada, which is the only place in Canada I have been. I went to put computers on a vessel, but I did get to see some of Halifax. However, considering the bit of Halifax I did see mostly seemed to consist of roughneck sea-faring types, I am not sure how Sans Serif’s delicate, folksy indie pop fits in to their environment. Maybe I just didn’t see enough of the place. Anyway, Sans Serif’s record is a bit muddled and hops about, probably a product of so many different people being in the band. I wandered through the record and struggled to find something that really hit the mark for me, although I did like the female vocals and the opening track is quite fun really. The general gist is that it is leaning towards the folk side, and therefore this album is probably aimed at someone other than me. That person is probably someone about 10 years younger, enjoys dressing up in vintage gear and being a bit twee in that age old indie pop fashion. I reckon that Sans Serif have an absolute ball, it’s just a ball that I respond to more in a Tony Adams rather than Xavi fashion.