Are you a happy, contented sort with little to worry about? If so, fuck off: this is a -(16)- review.

If you’re still with us you’ll no doubt be delighted to learn that they’ve not cheered up much and little – barring their drummer – has changed, the band continuing the trajectory of 2009’s ‘Bridges To Burn’: a bit more rockin’, a bit less wilfully difficult but still wholly unpleasant and gushing negativity like a suicide’s slashed wrists. Tracks like opener ‘Theme From Pillpopper’ and ‘Opium Hook’ grumble and groove while the sullen lurk of ‘Ants In My Bloodstream’ adds colour (or, at least, a slightly different shade of grey) and closer ‘Only Photographs Remain’ features a curiously, dolefully anthemic chorus that you could imagine quietly singing to yourself while you beat a foe to death with a lump hammer. Is there much more you could ask of a -(16)- record?