Seems the (poison) apple definitely doesn’t fall too far from the tree in the case of Unsane bassist Dave Curran, whose Pigs side project represents a deliciously spiteful slice of misanthropic noise-rock. Guitar lumps are hefted like paving slabs while the bass crumples and groans and dissonant melodies carve a channel through the all-consuming pummel, all while Curran howls and moans as though his dayjob didn’t offer enough of an outlet for angst, misery and torment. There are ten bruising tracks to contend with (or 11 if you choose to segment closer ‘At Least It’s An Ethos’), but if you dig the likes of White Boss, Throat and the most recent Unsane opus then they’re sure to be up your alley despite the levels physical discomfort involved. Go on – get stuck in.