Weightless - Self Adjustment - CD (2012)

Labels: Clarity Records
Review by: Andy Malcolm

One of the pleasures of writing reviews on this website is that now and again a record turns up in the post which fits my mood perfectly. This CD from Australians Weightless is a fine example of that, as the season morphs from summer to autumn. At this time of year I am especially predisposed to the type of gentle twinkling that Weightless indulge in. Sure, I could delve into my record collection and pull out something by Joie de Vivre, or American Football, or even the Coate demo tape (seems that NZ / Australia is rather adept at this sound) and achieve much the same result as listening to “˜Self Adjustment’, but sometimes it’s just nice to hear a band playing a few familiar sounds but piecing them together in their own way. I like hearing new songs, I like hearing old, and Weightless is just a snug, comfortable listen to ease in the shorter evenings or accompany me on the journey home from work. It doesn’t seem that long ago that you could barely move for bands that sounded like this, but then I remembered that the period I am thinking of was 1999 / 2000.

Of course, this review is fairly useless to you if you are not familiar with the bands I mentioned, but then the chances are that if you don’t know American Football then there is very little chance of you being interested in the becalmed, clean sounds of Weightless. Almost all the songs on here consist of swaying guitar, and occasional noodles, other than a pleasant acoustic interlude on “œLife Abroad”. The lyrical themes are traditional for this style of emo such as the passing of time and introspection.

Weightless have delivered an accomplished, enjoyable album. Simple, but effective.