Dysrhythmia - Test Of Submission - CD (2012)

Labels: Profound Lore
Review by: Alex Deller

The first and last Dysrhythmia album I heard was called ‘Pretest’. It was solid. It was nice enough. It was like a heavy metal Don Caballero. It was not quite enough for me to really bother following up on them. We are now nearly ten years on from that. They have an album out on Profound Lore, a sign that something is usually worth at least checking out. It is full of melody and ideas. It is terrifyingly fluid and crackles with madcap invention. It gloops, trickles and runs together like mercury spilling from a fucked thermometer. It does not seem so much music fused together by humans as by an alien race who left it in a crater one night to baffle and confuse the minds of men. It is amazing. Have I been missing out on music this good for nearly ten years now?