Pure Graft - Dude Jams - split - 7

Labels: Not Shy of the DIY
Review by: MH

This is another US/UK split 7inch. The artwork of Hulk Hogan and his mate (a wrestling fan might need to help me out here with a name) eating pizza and smoking a bong on the sofa is pretty cool. Dude Jams live in Austin, Texas and they have the A side. They are not ones to take themselves too seriously and recognize that “œOne dumb ass writes the same song over and over again and somehow other people fall for it. We are fucked.” I am not going to argue with them. They belt their way through two raw tracks here and are gone in no time “” something of a Dillinger 4 sound going on too. Pretty good. Pure Graft come flying out of the blocks with a pair of rough and ready-sounding, gruffer punk tracks. They have a hefty kick to them as well as a massive dose of grit. Their sound is also a little heavier than is typical of this type of music – chuggy guitars with perhaps a slight metal influence. They come from Newcastle and used to be called Sweet Children – I have to say that Pure Graft is a far more fitting name to their sound “” sounds like plenty of blood, sweat and tears went into these two songs. They appear to be on friendly terms with David Dimbleby too as there is a track on here called “Dave Dimbleby”. Decent stuff from both bands.