A good thing: two new Multicult tracks, released by the ever-scuzzy Reptilian Records. ‘Jaws’ leads off in somewhat subdued fashion, slouchily rhythmic with mumblefuck vocals and clicky, clanky parts seemingly constructed from Meccano, ultimately coming to a slow, steady and extremely satisfying boil. ‘Luxury’ is made of similarly jerky stuff, laden with harmonics, a bit more jagged and with this nasty rib-prodding vibe that makes you feel like you’re being encircled by a gang of dead-eyed, pig-jowled bullies. It’s pretty goddamn great, and as heartily recommended as last year’s ‘Spaces Tangled’ LP – one for those of you with an unhealthy fascination for bands like Tar, Big Black and The Fall, or have ever fancied hearing what Jawbox might’ve sounded like if they were having a total shitfit.