Labels: Exile On Mainstream – Ruegencore Records
Review by: Captain Fidanza
German folk singing? Das ist gut ya?
Despite what you might assume from the faultless pronunciation above, I’m not a fluent German speaker, although I’ve always been the first to stand up for the language whenever people refer to it as, “ugly” or, “difficult.
Here are some reasons why the German language rules;
1. Their word for “higgledy-piggledy” is “kunterbunt”.
2. Their word for “town hall” is, “rathaus”.
3. Their word for “garlic” is, “knoblauch”.
This Friedemann character is singing plaintive songs auf Deutsch often accompanied by little more than a beautifully played acoustic guitar.
This is certainly one of the most bizarre things I have been sent by Collective, but you can tell the dude means every word of it, so well done him and if you say otherwise you’re some kind of Kunterbunt.