Graves At Sea were away for a while, presumed dead. Now they’re back. Slightly changed, but still back. Jolly good. The first track here, ‘Betting On Black’, is pretty insane. The riff which heralds its passage just makes me want to don a battle-scarred gauntlet and punch myself savagely in the face until the entire world turns to blood. Yes. Yes indeed. The vocals initially sound like an eight-year-old goblin, though some huskier tones which carry with them a ragged sense of melody later enter the fray. It shifts, slobbers and riffs mercilessly away and frankly has ‘anthem’ writ large all over it. Their second track is called ‘Confession’ and while the ingredients are the same the brew is not quite as intoxicating. Still pretty grand, though. Sourvein are on the other side. They sound okay, but are a band who have never 100% engaged me I and remain disengaged. The main riff to ‘Drifter’ is solid and T-Roy Medlin does the lung-parched Scott Weinrich thing well enough, but I’m just, kinda… eh. Eleswhere, ‘Equinox’ presents some unadventurous psych burble while closing track ‘Follow The Light’ is probably the strongest effort here thanks to its slimy riff and crawl-through-the-mud vibe. Ok, as I say, but really I just want to be listening to that Graves At Sea side again instead. And so this is what I do. Several times, in fact.