I seem to have lost hours of my life to this release and yet I’m still in a blank, empty place when it comes to describing it. By my understanding much of the music herein comprises drafts, sketches and stillborn ideas that were shelved for one reason or another. Noise pieces, found sounds, basslines, interludes and other such fragments, all pieced back together and with the foul breath of life gasped back into them. Amid these curious shreds and soundscapes is the band’s brilliant ‘Corpse With Levity’ EP. This bursts from the cloying atmospherica like a winged nightmare, a mad, chattering scrabble of teeth and claws akin to a powerviolent Rudimentary Peni. And when it’s over, the tape continues to spool and more ambient burbling takes hold. It’s a bleak, anxious and utterly harrowing thing that makes the room around you seem to small and your heart feel too big and powerful for your chest. Perhaps most worrying of all, though, is that these pieces were initially deemed unfit for circulation or consumption – we might have felt a little calmer and a little stronger without having heard them, but it still would have been a fathomless loss had we not.