Dalek - Asphalt For Eden - CD (2016)

Labels: Profound Lore
Review by: Captain Fidanza

Dalek are one of the many bands I first heard about through Collective Zine and their Absence album from 2005 has been a mainstay on the jukebox ever since.

This new offering is their first since 2009 and after only a few minutes, I think it’s fair to assume these chaps have not spent the intervening seven years playing Go For Broke and listening to Peter, Paul and Mary.

All the hallmarks of a Dalek release are present here: harsh, brutal sonics being spoken over by a voice of startling menace, but it’s the dense, swirling music that accompanies the words that provides the real interest here, at times taking centre stage whilst the raps growl along in the background.

If you have any interest whatsoever in Hip Hop, you owe it to yourself to seek this out.