A limited-edition nugget here which chimes with the bands’ UK tour and serves to showcase their differing approaches to weight, intensity and sheer bloodymindedness. Ommadon kick proceedings off with an intimidating 37-minute dronestrosity that seethes, smothers and does its darnedest to invade your every crevice. Immediate touchstones are the likes of Sunn O))) and Earth, and the band peddle their wares with enough skill, experience and dynamic panache to rise beyond most of their amplifier-worshipping peers. Legion Of Andromeda unveil three new numbers which strike me as a tad brisker than anything to be found on their excellent ‘Iron Scorn’ LP. This said, they’re scarcely any more digestible, the band concocting a tarry, glutinous brand of primitivism that seems to use Corrupted, Godflesh and early Swans as its main points of reference. Vocals come as an incomprehensible, blocked-cloaca choke while the incessant repetition of everything else leaves you with the sense of being simultaneously hypnotised and beaten about the head with a two-by-four. It’s a monstrous little release to be sure, and if you have even the slightest fondness for all things low, slow and brutal then you should make sure to grab a copy when they lay waste to a town near you.
You can also check out an interview with Legion Of Andromeda here.