Review by: Bob Alderdice

Seven tracks of garage / rock / power pop from Detroit’s Devious Ones. This doesn’t sound too dissimilar to bands like TRANZMITORS and WHITE WIRES and is another fine example of some great modern power pop which is around at the moment. As you’d expect, there are plenty of good toe-tapping tunes, with some catchy choruses and neat guitar work are on offer here. ‘Please Just Stay’ and ‘Some Of Us Are Still Here’ are stand out tracks, as is the cover of 77 classic ‘I Wanna Be Free’ by THE RINGS. I know that these guys have got a couple of 7″s out and I’m definitely going to seek out more of their stuff. I’ve got a feeling they’ll be worth my time. I’m sure they’ll be worth yours too.

Oh, and kudos to Peterwalkee Records for the effort on the packaging. I’m not a huge fan of the cassette format but this tape comes in a nice thick-card sleeve with screen-printed artwork. All-in-all, it looks pretty smart.