Wrong War continue to impress, doling out five more tracks of taut, explosive melodic hardcore that riffs on the likes of Rites Of Spring and Articles Of Faith but carves out its own distinctive space. Everything sounds coiled and ready to strike, a sense of jittery, ready-to-snap tension permeating each song in a manner that’s both nerve-jangling and exciting. The more experimental threads suggested by their previous ‘On Further Reflection’ EP are hinted at but clipped, these undercurrents nevertheless providing additional layers of intrigue beneath the initital white-heat blast.  

Compulsion is a new band featuring Ebro of Charles Bronson / Los Crudos / MK Ultra infamy and, as you might expect, scalding hardcore is what gets rudely sloshed in your lap. Rather than full-tilt thrash, though, the band opt for a slightly slower style that fixes the tangled ugliness of Black Flag and Bl’ast! in its sights. Vocals are hoarse, choked up and thoroughly belligerent, while the music veers between tight, methodical punches to the body and unpredictable, atonal leads that veer off in unexpected directions. ‘Waiting’ is probably my favourite track of theirs here, but you definitely can’t find fault with the others. 

It’s a great split, and a fitting way to mark the fiftieth release for Council Records: a record that exemplifies family ties; musical vitality; on-point politics; and an enduring love for the sound and spirit of punk fucking rock.