Deep End - Tsunami - CD (2002)

Labels: Loveboat
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Man, I am going to find reviewing difficult this evening as all I have in my head is this tune that plays over and over on Morrowind – the computer game I have wasted my day playing. What a loser.

Anyways, Deep End. This is an Italian post-rock type band, with lots of jangly guitars that twinkle away prettily in an Aerial M vein and subdued vocals. The rhythms are occasionally mathy, but never to the level where you pull out your slide rule and use it as a baton on the speakers. As the bio sheet points out, they sound a lot like an instrumental band, except someon makes words. Which is good! I am quite bored of this sort of thing done instrumentally unless it is awesome, so it’s good to hear Deep End throw a little extra into the mix – it’s kind of like Paul Newman (but with singing), or Month of Birthdays. And the vocals sort of remind me of Giants Chair, but with an accent. And they do it really well over the course of this EP. It’s tuneful and laidback, feeling very warm. They do have times where they don’t do words though. “Niece Walker” has some extra mechanical sound effects thrown – not sure what it is though.

All in all a decent little release. Good un!