Mum - Green Grass of Tunnel - 7

Labels: Fat Cat Records
Review by: Chris Bress

This is really good. It needed a few listens and you really need to be in the mood for this or it sounds a bit too contrived. Beautiful melodic eletronica-pop. This Icelandic band really know how to write pop songs which have enough of an alternative spacey edge to make them interesting.

The lady’s vocals on this are very odd (she sounds a bit like an alien) and I can see why Sigur Ros brought them over on tour with them a few years ago. They are soothing and really suit the music. I think they should remix a Party of Helicopters song…that would be so cool.

The b-side is very IsanEeno. Static spacey soundsssss which are exactly what you want to hear on a Sunday when you’ve listened to Totalitar too much. This is awesome.