Samiam - Astray - CD (2000)

Labels: Golf
Review by: Russell Opie

Anyone who reads the zine regularly will already know that Samiam are my favourite band of all time. Ever. And the new album does nothing but reinforce their position at the top of the pile. Samiam are god-like. Samiam blow my mind. In short, this album is incredible. If you loved “You Are Freaking Me Out” then you won’t be disappointed with Astray – its every bit as good. The band have developed in the three years since their previous record, and definately continuing to progress in that poppier direction. However, this is no bad thing whatsoever. But elitest punk rockers beware – this is Samiam’s most mainstream sounding record ever, while maintaining all those qualities you know and love.

The band made 2 video singles for this album. “Mud Hill” goes to radio at the end of September. Totally poppy. Totally blissful. Really emotional. The thing that gets me with this band is their ability to write ballads like “Curbside” and contrast them on an album with the emotional hardcore rock fests like “Super Brava” which is one of my favourite songs on the record. This is emo-core the way its meant to be. Samiam were doing it 12 years ago. Nice to see they’ve stuck to their roots. Just pure class. “Wisconsin” heads down the fast paced melodic hardcore path. And well frankly, its amazing.

Take other instant hits like opening track “Sunshine” and “How Long” and you have all the makings for a smash hit album. The biggest coup of all for Hopeless. Can’t believe so many other labels passed this band up. The fools. Ok basically I think I’ve narrowed down why I love this band so fucking much. It’s their ability to be totally powerful and yet remain gloriously melodic. Also Jason is probably one of my favourite vocalists ever. Its the way he evokes emotion into everything he says. In summary – one incredible band just made another incredible album. But you already knew that, right? This should sell by the shitload. And it probably will….