Bats & Mice - A Person Carrying A... - 7

Labels: Nashaardaa
Review by: Andy Malcolm

This 7″ has a really long name. “A Person Carrying A Handmade Paper Bag Is Considered A Royal Person”. Ace! How to become king in one easy step. Anyway. Mice & Bats are here with what I think is their third release. The debut EP and “Believe It Mammals” LP are both records that I profess to enjoy, especially in the light of that miserable third Engine Down LP (a band who I always connect them with due to the Lovitt family thing). Rats & Lice play a rather tasty brand of indie rock that on “Even and then Some” gently sways in all directions, with strong sung vocals courtesy of Ben Davis and David Nesmith (ex-Monkees), rolling things out in a Pinback type fashion – both vocally and instrumentally. Super pleasant, indie rock is supposed to be as good as this, yet rarely is. Pfft. Then they follow it up with another tune (“Around What’s Done”) that is in the same vein although the warbly vocals are a bit too Brit-Indie for my tastes at times. But hey. I don’t really have much more to add. This is melodic, guitar based, straight-forward and fine. No more words need be expended.

So no complaints here – Cats & Rice are a solid band that keeps on being a good listen. Hurrah!