Sinking Steps, Rising Eyes - The 2002 EP - 7

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Review by: Andy Malcolm

2002 EP? Wonder why these songs took so long to materialise. They don’t sound like they have dated really though mind you. Perhaps that’s more of a hint as to how the screamy emo genre hasn’t really moved on that much since then. So here you get SSRE’s dramatic and over-the-top squawking over sweeping emo epics that cannily slide between crashing melodies and pretty twinkles. Easy enough to draw comparisons to any number of other bands to bash out a bit of sobbing on vinyl, e.g. Portrait and Spirit of Versailles. They do it really well though, and I definitely prefer the songs on this to the cd that came out by this band last year. The vocals are very much in the French way – all harsh, all the time. They don’t stand out as either being amazing or rubbish, so I don’t know why I am writing this sentence to be honest. The second track has a really nice mid 90’s emo style bassline that pushes the track on whilst it bubbles between explosive and broody. The ending of the track is super nice, with a flute or a recorder or something coming into play and the guitars laying the repetetive Indian Summer style melodies over the top. Always scores points with me and makes this 7″ really worth having rather than overlooking.

Overall, 5 solid jams of screaming, weeping and emoting. I’m a sucker for it. Too bad.