This thing positively ROLLS! Swinging from the trees with its 100% proof drum and bass noisemongery, this is wildly excessive, from the fat volume levels whacked up to 11 all the way to the beautifully Ozzy-esque vocals, yet the whole thing comes without a single ounce of fat on it. Kinetic riffs sustain themselves from one note to the next, propelling itself economically and fluidly, with Jared, ex-of Karp and The Whip, once again showing that he knows his way round a bass, and the drummer from the Murder City Devils not only keeping up with him but complementing his every action perfectly. The most surprising thing though, is that at the very fundament of the whole damn thing, upon which everything is based, lies a thick vein of melody that makes it as catchy as it is violent. Rock and fucking roll. Bring on the live show!