Labels: Friends And Relatives
Review by: Alex Deller
Big-hearted folk punk along the lines of a nerdier Against Me!, featuring the same kind of get-toasted-and-gimme-a-hug spirit that sets the kids to dancing something sweaty and clinking drinks with total strangers. Acoustic guitar, strings and strained ol’ vocals that are dying to just skip town, tramp down dusty roads and see what friends they might make along the way “” kinda like the Littlest Hobo but with a Jawbreaker shirt, whiskey on his breath and headful of Uncle Tupelo.
There’s something wholesome and heartwarming about the whole affair, lending to wishes of days spent kicking your heels with buddies, supping lazy beers and talking big, all the while knowing that most of it’s just shit-talk and pipedreams with much of the half-cut bravado likely to be forgotten when that fateful hangover hits. However, if you can latch onto some of that good feeling and drag it back with you into Monday’s workaday world then not only would Defiance Ohio probably consider their job part-way done, but you’ll be in their debt for some fond memories as you rise wearily from your desk for the next cup of shitty instant coffee.