Grand-sounding, mostly instrumental post-rock from the same label that gave us Don’t Mess With Texas. Has to be said that these folks aren’t a million miles away from what their labelmates are doing, combining Mogwai-influenced swathes of sound with straightforward rock-outs that bring the echoing charms of Interpol to mind. Lunar’s skill lies in their ability to layer their music, seeping in through cracks in the floorboards with Rodan-esque tendrils and building them up into reverberating climaxes in time-honoured style.

The downside to all of this is that Lunar’s tactics could be seen as a touch too facile to really raise them above the clamouring post rock hoards, and, at times they seem in danger of veering toward the odious realms of U2 or their modern-day spawn. However, when all’s said and done, Turbo stands as a solid and well-rounded slab of epic post-rock that should sit well in the stomachs of those pig-snouted gourmands who can bear to force down another serving.