As with their recent split with Apartment 213, this release shows something of a stylistic shift for Agoraphobic Nosebleed but, rather than the unabashed MitB homage of ‘Domestic Powerviolence’ there’s now a lurching death metal influence creeping into their grind, the songs slowed down a jot (four tracks in ten minutes as opposed to their usual multiple sub-minute blurts) and slightly “riffier” but no less savage and certainly no less offensive for it. Despite this momentarily disconcerting change of pace, the maniacal drum machine abuse and lightspeed riffing are pretty much intact and Jay Randall’s gut-busting holler certainly hasn’t gotten any cheerier, his profane rantings capping the whole bastard thing off in typically brutal style and making for yet another great little EP for your swollen ANb collection.