Freshly signed to a label that will hopefully get the word out, Reth’s hard work when it comes to touring, pimping themselves and actually writing and playing these insane super-concentrated bursts of metallised tech-grind chaos has finally paid off for you, the discerning rock enthusiast. What you get are nine tracks in about 17 minutes, but it feels much longer than that, and I don’t mean that in the bad sense. There’s seriously so much going on here that it’s overwhelming, the noise interludes and samples coming as nice scene-setters, providing some much needed respite from the brutal onslaught. The musicianship on here is incredible, especially from drummer Elliot Smith, who seemingly plays in every lightning fast Leeds band at the moment, including the even more ludicrous Executive Distraction Tasks. The guitarists seem to achieve an unhealthy number of “weeee” sounds (pinch harmonics?) per song too. What’s really amazing though is that these are definitely SONGS, not just pointless exercises in fretwankery. I’m glad to see “Sowing The Poisoned Hubris” has graduated from the demo days to an update here. Let’s do a scientific, blow-by-blow analysis of this track to see what we’re dealing with here: a manic, spiralling opening riff that can’t last for more than a second suddenly shifts into a slow part that comes completely out of the blue before we have a full-on grind moment, then the grind riff is chugged out slower, then once more at an even sludgier pace which sounds amazing, but just as you get used to that a really fast bit that goes all over the place and is impossible to keep track of turns up, then there’s a brief pause, then it does that last fast bit all over again though in a slightly different manner, then it slows into a breakdown that is all groovy and drum-led, crammed full of neat fills, then it repeats the breakdown, heavier this time, slowing down to a more tangible speed so those inventive riffs are fully exposed, then it suddenly shifts into an even groovier catchy little moment that’s actually reasonably quiet, then it does the same only much louder together with some insane blasts, rising key changes, getting higher and higher before another sudden pause, then we’re back into that cool riff from the beginning before it all ends on one of those “weeeee” sounds that they are so fucking good at. All this happens under TWO minutes. I’m off for a fucking lie down.