Graf Orlock - Destination Time Today - LP (2009)

Labels: Adagio830 – Vitriol
Review by: Alex Deller

The third in Graf Orlock’s “Destination Time…” series will neither disappoint those rabid for their stop-on-a-dime brand of feral hardcore nor convince the detractors that this is something they should actually be listening to. Problem is, I think, the “grind” tag, since this band’s sample-strewn mayhem definitely tends more toward “Terrifyer” than Terrorizer, having more in common with acts like Converge or Takaru than either the early Earache canon or modern masters of the art. Still, for what it is it’s crisply-played and carried out with the deadly focus of the crosshairs adorning the album’s elaborate sleeve, the songs smartly put together and each jagged piece clicking intricately into place like the pieces of Pinhead’s puzzlebox, making for a fun enough way to while away twenty minutes or so if not one that’ll necessarily separate your head from your shoulders.