More than a Joke - Trojan Whores - CD (2009)

Labels: self released
Review by: David Giles

I’ve taken a while to get round to writing this review because I feel fairly conflicted about it. More Than A Joke play fast. They have done everything completely DIY, taken a great deal of time making the packaging look awesome (it does!) and not fell into any “˜promo sheet’ traps “” instead they wrote the type of “œplease review our record!” note that I always harp on about wanting more bands to send in. Considering all this, and amidst a haul of poor-to-average major-label-condoned records to review, I find myself not wanting to knock them. I love that people are getting together and playing fast. I love the DIY ethic.
Unfortunately, I don’t dig this style of music. I really like when the drums are blasting but I don’t feel like anything else is keeping up with them particularly well. I hate “˜comedy’ film quotes at the start of tracks. The vocals rub me up the wrong way a couple of times. The guitars sound sort of thin. There are a couple of pretty alright moments on the CD but all-in I feel that it is a little lacking. I’d like to see them get a little riff-ier and have the guitar a bit chunkier “” it could be really good. Maybe one to watch”¦

I feel like at the end of a negative review about a band who have struck me as legit people who are true to the DIY ethic, it is worthwhile to comment on how many bands/labels/zines/people who put on shows seem to fall into the “if they’re cool people doing good things we should back them” trap. It would be nice to see a bit more discrimination about this, I think. There is no shortage of rad bands kicking about just now and the “œthey are good people doing good things” argument has nothing to do with music. No-one will think you are an “˜elitist’ for choosing to put your time and money into music you enjoy rather than playing the popularity game.

More Than A Joke have a split with Corpses on the way.