Wounded Lion - s/t - CD (2010)

Labels: In The Red
Review by: Alex Deller

Simple and shambling, Wounded Lion lope through some lackadaisical pop n’ roll fun with a nod of their shaggy mane to the past (Velvets / Modern Lovers) before they hunker down into a well-worn La-Z-Boy and clink beers with the likes of Thee Oh Sees and the Strange Boys. Offhand basslines, choppity-chop guitar sounds and croaky, couldn’t-care-less vocals are all crammed into bumbling two or three-minute ditties that manage to make good more often than not, albeit occasionally running out of puff (‘Belt Of Orion’ = ugh) and sometimes seeming like they’re barely managing to stay the whole 12-song course themselves. Time for a nap, chaps?