Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate) - Into It. Over It. - split - 7

Labels: Count Your Lucky Stars
Review by: Andy Malcolm

What is it with IIOI? This is the 4th split 7″ I have come across with their tawdry splurges on. I guess the dude in this band is super nice, and pleasant to hang out with, so other bands figure that they would do a split with him. Into It. Over It is like that guy at school, he hangs around all the time, he’s kind of nice and you like to involve him in your activities, but he’s also a bit slow. He is reliable but rarely spectacular when you play football at lunchtime. He got 9 Ds on his GCSEs. His Dad got him a steady job in the admin department, people like him but sometimes he screws up something simple and everyone knows he’s never going to get fired because his Dad runs this town. Then his Dad bought him a flat because he was kind of tired of him living at home and seeing him every day at work, but he loves his son so he wants him to try and succeed on his own. Into It. Over It are that guy. Some day they are going to do a record on their own again, and no-one will buy the thing because there is no band on the other side to make it worth owning. This is without a doubt the most mundane music in the world. I listen to it, it goes in my ears, it goes out. It has guitar sounds plus other instruments. It has a guy singing. It is 2 songs.

Sheesh, now I got passed that, I can hang out with the cool kids. Empire! Empire! do one song here, but I am pretty certain that anyone who likes Empire! Empire! will say “THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!”. For one song of their delightful twinkly indiemo is not going to satiate. Just fling on the LP from last year again. That’ll do you for an hour. Because 4 minutes of pretty guitars and Keith’s man wails is but a fleeting taste of wintery sweetness. A snow flurry rather than 3 foot deep and a day off school. As ever, if you go weak at the knees for this thing, you can’t fail to be delighted. It leaves you wondering how the band can evolve this sound, but I am pretty certain that whilst everyone who ever wanted indiemo to fuck off and die at the tail end of the 90s would sooner have their pinky finger dismembered than listen to anything as lily livered as this ever again, the few hundred folk that do appreciate it would more than welcome another full album’s worth.