Brain F - Restraining Order - 7

Labels: Static Shock
Review by: Alex Deller

Much as the trend for super short 7″s is a bit of a bummer on the vfm front it kinda evens out when quality trumps quantity like this. Offering up two healthy doses of jittery punk rock that’re all scruffy guitar parts, mussed up melodies and muffled male / female vocals Brain F end up sounding like some sort of Observers / Burning Kitchen amalgam, albeit one that’s had its mind and physiology altered by all the bostik and photocopy ink holding innumerable stringy post-punk releases together. Both tracks come and go in a whirlwind of scrappy sound and frantic energy, charging for the finish line as if in an attempt to see how quickly they can embed their songs in your head before disappearing gleefully back into the garage, cellar or wherever the hell it is they go to make such a delicious racket. Colour me impressed as heck and wanting to hear more!

Brain F# – Restraining Order by Static Shock Records