Labels: Fallo Dischi
Review by: Sion Thomas
This EP is on a mini 3″ compact disk, I had to email Andy to find out if I could even play a
mini disk on a normal CD player (It’s a format that I have completely over looked,
probably for a good reason). LAMO are another band from the Naples label Fallo
Dischi but this time they are actually Italian compared to Nasov. With 5 songs
and the EP only lasting under seven minutes I get a very brief introduction to
L’amo, I think the longest song is one minute fifty seconds. The first 3 songs and
the last song sound like a messier Q and not U, with the synth and distorted
guitar battling it out in the mix. I wish the songs were a little longer, as soon
as I hear a strong riff it’s already gone, this also could be L’amo’s strong point.
The song that puts itself above the rest though is “sulla svirilizzazione di
quagliarella” which sounds like it could have been on the soundtrack to a moody
90’s Nintendo game with its distorted synths and simple electro drum beat, once
again its too short. I wanted to hear more. This weird little EP intrigued me so
much that I researched them and found out this EP come out way back in 2010.
Since then L’amo have released a full length where some of the songs even hit
a mind-boggling three minutes and on some songs even sound like New Order.
L’amo, an Italian dance-post-punk power house.