Broadcaster - Tightrope Walker - 7

Labels: Jump Start Records
Review by: MH

The name of this band was familiar to me but I couldn’t recall where from. They are a 3-piece from Long Island. On uploading this EP to my itunes I realised that I had previously downloaded an EP and album from Broadcaster’s bandcamp page having been recommended them by someone. I have no idea who though. It turns out that I had not listened to them yet. I have no idea why. Probably too busy worrying about the current plight of Middlesbrough Football Club or some other similar crisis affecting my world right now. It turns out that was a mistake as there are 3 tracks of high-calibre, college-y indie rock here and I do like a bit of college-y indie rock. If you do too, then this could be for you as the sound falls somewhere between Superchunk, Jawbreaker and The Weakerthans. It’s pretty rocking and snappy with each track sticking around for no longer than 3 minutes and 6 seconds. All three tracks are good “” the standout for me is probably the bouncy “œAnything You Never Heard”. Definitely worth listening to this band and not leaving them sitting in your computer files rotting. I’ll go and dig out that other EP and album now.