Pudge - EP - CD (2012)

Labels: Not Shy of the DIY
Review by: MH

Pudge come from Sheffield. The word “œpudge” is a variant of “œpodge” meaning “œa short, fat person”. I didn’t know that. I knew podge but not pudge so I learnt something new today. They play fast and melodic punk with shouty vocals and a healthy amount of swearing and obscenity. The singer’s northern accent shines through on every track. From the lyrics I can tell that they like drinking quite a lot. They also like Boggle. They are less keen on John Leslie, clairvoyants and living in boring towns. Drinking is a recurring theme and “œOver To John Anderson” has a chorus that could be shouted along to by drunkards everywhere especially those that love cider. “œClairvoyance” is a cracking, fast-paced slice of pop punk and probably the best song on here. Also, there is some burping at the end of the last track and there are quite a few samples across the EP ranging from Peter Kay to Gladiators commentary “” you will be glad to hear that there is no growling from Wolf though and John Fashanu doesn’t even get a turn on the mic. The last track is some FM radio scanning complete with various radio DJs reading out messages that Pudge themselves or friends of Pudge have sent in. This band are kind of dorky, sloppy and moronic but really good at the same time. I hope they don’t take that in the wrong way because I like this.