IDYLLS - Palisades - Split - Download (2012)

Labels: self released
Review by: Oli Saunders

I’ve been seeing IDYLLS’s name appear a fair bit on the net recently, I think because they have been touring or something. They play grind infused screamo which actually reminds me of a slightly milder and drawn out form of The Locust. I say drawn out, they rip through ‘Born Anxious’ before launching into a fourteen minute experimentation which, quite frankly, I don’t have time for. The final track is five minutes and is alright. I think they need to nail down their style a bit more to be taken seriously.

Palisades play on the second half. And they are still good, but they haven’t really come along since their demo. The vocals on that sounded so raw and intense, but here they are a little watered down. Dissapointing. There are soft sung vocals on the tracks. It’s nice but I need more.

Released only as a digital album; with the rise of Bandcamp more and more bands seem to be doing this. It’s nice to get music out to people easily but it kind of cheapens the record. It also seems to have led to lots of cool small labels dissappearing over the past few years since bands can now easily ‘self release’. I’m not convinced that it’s a good thing.

1st August 2012