Hides a Well - From a Safe Distance - CD (2013)

Labels: notrock
Review by: MH

Another band I’ve not heard of that has already released countless songs. The artwork looks a bit like an Empire! Empire! record which can only be a good thing. Well, it’s that or Beatrix Potter from where I’m standing. It looks like this is a trio although one guy plays about a thousand different instruments including a melodigrand and a wurlitzer. There are also numerous others who have helped out with different instruments and vocals including some nice female backing vocals. The band comes from Oak Ridge in New Jersey and the first song makes me think they might like the gentler side of Sebadoh. It’s kind of drifty indie rock with subdued vocals and light production which doesn’t interfere too much with the band’s sound. A good start. Third track “Sleepyhead” changes things up a bit and is a lovely slice of melodic Lemonheads-y pop – an early highlight. The songs are generally short and happily don’t outstay their welcome. It’s pretty nice and laidback throughout too – an enjoyable listen all round. I like this.