Friedemann - Uhr vs Zeit - LP (2014)

Labels: Exile On Mainstream – Ruegencore Records
Review by: Captain Fidanza

German folk singing? Das ist gut ya?

Despite what you might assume from the faultless pronunciation above, I’m not a fluent German speaker, although I’ve always been the first to stand up for the language whenever people refer to it as, “œugly” or, “œdifficult.

Here are some reasons why the German language rules;

1. Their word for “œhiggledy-piggledy” is “œkunterbunt”.

2. Their word for “œtown hall” is, “œrathaus”.

3. Their word for “œgarlic” is, “œknoblauch”.

This Friedemann character is singing plaintive songs auf Deutsch often accompanied by little more than a beautifully played acoustic guitar.

This is certainly one of the most bizarre things I have been sent by Collective, but you can tell the dude means every word of it, so well done him and if you say otherwise you’re some kind of Kunterbunt.