Child Bite - Strange Waste - Download (2014)

Labels: Housecore
Review by: Alex Deller

Child Bite are a bit exasperating, but not necessarily in a good way. They’re an unruly splatter of a band, careening from one thing to another like a hyperactive toddler loaded up on sugar, E numbers and the knowledge that it’s their birthday the day after tomorrow. Unfortunately I am not the benign and ever smiling parent who gazes fondly on at their many mischiefs, but the guy a seat away on the same bus with a hundred different worries and a migraine that feels like a dentist’s drill is whirring into his eye socket. Despite the fact that they’re just doing what they do, I find it hard to dredge up any good will from my depleted reserves. Not for the splenetic Jello Biafra yodelling, the jagged end-of-the-90s screamo sass of the music (i.e. those bands trying to be The Locust or The Blood Brothers, like An Albatross) or the tricksy NoMeansNo notions. Maybe, admittedly, for the slower, less frenzied final track, but whether this is for its slight resemblance to Triclops! or the simple knowledge that I’m getting off at the next stop and they’ve finally bloody piped down a bit I don’t quite know.