Kind Eyes - It's OK, It's Not OK - LP (2015)

Labels: boslevan – City 17 – Hot Salvation – SuperFi
Review by: MH

Discordance reigns here from the off. Kind Eyes play the kind of post hardcore which has its roots also in the 90s emo sound. It’s a bit dirty sounding and rough around the edges but also powerful and grooving. They have more than a little in common sound-wise with mid-era Unwound. The vocals definitely bear some similarities but also the rawness, the angular guitars and the moments that drift into quieter or more manic instrumentals parts – perhaps less drawn-out than Unwound tended to go on occasion but still of that ilk. There’s also a darkness brooding in each of their tracks here. Another one to be filed under “why didn’t I listen to this earlier?” as this was sent in ages ago.