Generally speaking live records can do one, and I only really picked this up because I wanted to commemorate attending the band’s London gig and they’d sold out of t-shirts. Anyway, as it says on the tin this is a live set captured in Rome way back in 1989. The sound is sharp, the band are on form and the set list doesn’t seem too far removed from the one they played last year. The scrappy, rambunctious ‘Pearl To Stone’ was an unexpected and welcome inclusion, while the other surprise takes the shape of a Velvet Underground cover (‘Heroin’) which still strikes me as a bit “eh?!” numerous listens later. Altogether it’s a neat, nicely constructed artefact that documents a cool point in the life of an odd and inspirational band. But, as always the well-worn caveat stands: only you truly know whether you really need another live punk record in your collection.