Had it in mind, for some daft reason, that Ground played sludgy post-metal. No, sir, that is not what they play – that is not what they play at all. Rather than a manageable traipse I was instead assailed by something that positively hurtles: a malevolent mix of hardcore, grind and metalcore that doesn’t so much flit between subgenres as flatten the fragile barriers that keep them apart. Frantic blasts give way to dead-eyed lunges in a manner that reminds me of a collision between Blockheads, Hatebreed and Nails, while occasional Chris Dodge impersonations throw something a bit more powerviolent into the scalding mix. It’s ugly as sin and absolutely incessant – the kind of single-minded monstrosity that, if it can catch you, won’t relent until you’re little more than grey-pink paste squishing between its hairy, sausage-like fingers.