Labels: New American Dream
Review by: Russell Opie
So what does it sound like? Well, you can tell this is definately classic Discount, but sounding much more matured and experienced than their previous album “Half Fiction”. It has a much more rocky/hardcore angle to it, but it still holds its addictive appeal and overall catchiness.
Opening song “Broken to Blue” is certainly pretty awesome. The guitars are bouncy and catchy. Vocals are a dream as always. Yup, this is Discount at their best alright. “Age of Spitting” is worth pointing out since its not the usual Discount fare at all. This is great though. One of my favourite Discount songs ever and I don’t know why. Its just so different and awesome!
Other highlights include “Black and white can’t capture red and blue” (EMO song title or what!?!?), and its much slower than normal Discount songs, sounding a little more like Jejune or Warren Commission. Rapid change of direction a couple of songs later with “Medical” – a 120 mph poppy hardcore song with all that great Discount stuff going on. One of the best Discount songs ever!!! And perhaps its quite fitting that the last track “The Kill Fix” is the best I’ve ever heard them. A deeply emotional track, with Alison singing the best I’ve ever heard her sing. Take note, this track is amazing, and totally blew me away.
So in short this album is everything you hoped it would be. And probably more. The band cover a wide variety of sounds, ranging from their usual poppy punk tunes, to the more matured emotional hardcore sound they have now crafted. This is as essential as going to see them on tour in May. Make sure you’re there. And make sure you pick this up.