Hot Water Music - Moments Pass / Another Way - 7

Labels: No Idea Records
Review by: Andy Malcolm

The companion to the other 7″ reviewed above, so this will be a much shorter review as I have practically used up all my thinks on the band. And I haven’t even done the review of their split CD with Leatherface yet.

“Moments Pass”, big chugging melodic HWMcore. It’s quite long. I’m running out of words to say! Yeah, it’s great. It’s HWM. Quick, get me to the end of the review. “Another Way”, hey, it’s them again. Bit slower, but still big and loud. There’s something missing though, I think the song doesn’t quite flow as well until it gets to the chorus parts.

Ideally, get both the new 7″, but if you can only afford one, then the other is slightly better.