Hot Water Music - No Division - LP (1999)

Labels: Some Records
Review by: Ian Cavell

The Hot Water Music machine marches on and you’d be a crazy man indeed to stand in the way. New album, new label but still the classic HWM sound. You probably know the score by now, dual vocals (one gruff as hell, the other slightly more harmonic) and the very best kind of emotionally led melodic hardcore. And I’ll say this now : ‘No Division’ is fucking amazing.

Even in my harshest, most critical reviewer type persona I can’t find one song that could be construed as being average, let alone a clunker. This is 100% outstanding from start to finish. I suppose, if pressed, my favourate songs would be the ultra catchy ‘Free Radio Gainesville’, the emotionally charged ‘Its Hard to Know’, the anthemic ‘No Division’ and the brawling ‘Rooftops’… but I’m so tempted just to continue this sentence to include every other song as well. You won’t be disappointed by the lyrics either if, like me, you feel like they are a vital part of the song rather than a bunch of words that just sounded right alongside some music. Just check out songs such as ‘Southeast First’ which is a kind of tribute to the now defunct (I think) Hardback or any of the other inspirational lyrics that deal with unity and being true to yourself…

I could go on and talk about the incredibly catchy bass lines that are yet another vital part of the HWM make up. Or that when they slow it all down with amazing tracks such as ‘At The End of a Gun’ and ‘Driving Home’ that the whole thing is taken to yet another level altogether. But I’ve already convinced you this is a good album, right?

You know that old reviewers cliche “you’re life isn’t complete without this album…”. Apply it here.