Hot Water Music - Where We Belong / Moonpies - 7

Labels: No Idea Records
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Ah, some new material from the HWM. I am really getting into this band now. There’s a group of US bands – HWM, Discount, Dillinger 4 and Avail – they all seem to be mates, are hardworking, don’t compromise and have my utmost respect. Do you think it’s a mere coincidence that these are also 4 of the best bands in the whole wide world? I do not.

Anyway, first up, “Where We Belong”. I like “Forever & Counting”, but this is just kills that record dead. More melodic and a little less dirgey, this one moves a long with a total wall of noisy hardcore guitars and those trademark gruff vocals, working as brilliantly as ever in tandem.

HWM seem to sometimes get lumped into the emo bracket, and yeah, they are totally emotional – you can feel it oozing off the turntable, but this isn’t “emo” in the way, say, Jimmy Eat World are. “Moonpies For Misfits” has more of the emo style, slower jangling guitars and less on the hardcore, but it builds up and really starts to rock out.

Well, it’s HWM, they’re great, these 2 songs enhance my opinion of them, and I can’t wait till the hit the UK. Boom.