Index For Potential Suicide - The Newest Youth Rebellion - CD (2000)

Labels: Ohev
Review by: Nadia Almashoor

“It is recommended that you listen to this recording at the highest volume possible to hear all the intricacies of the recording”. But of course.

RAA RAA RAAAAAARGH!!! Need more? Oh ok then. While initially, they may seem like Locust rip offs, I now feel against it. This record on the whole is definitely unlike The Locust. Sure. It has those screamy piercing vocals and if you’re into that harsh, hearing – impaired music, you would definitely dig this one. While The Locust are more complex and abstract in their song writing, IFPS are more direct and straight forward. In ‘Eat Lightning Crap Thunder’ they deviate the mood from pounding grind to blatant hardcore-ish spazziness. Leading me to think it’s a new song altogether. (I think if this was The Locust, they would make it a separate track just lasting 30 seconds) Should I stop making Locust comparisons? No I shouldn’t because in track 11, they kick off with an eerie keyboard piece and goes along with those crazy sampling effects. Which sounds all too familar now.

We also have Eric Wood (Man Is The Bastard) guest vocaling on ‘Global Injustice’. Roaring away then followed by someone screeching. Is this a man or a woman? Gosh, I don’t know but it sure is scary. Lyrically, they seem to be dealing with political issues.”we’ve been murdered…the politicians’ bloody hands responsible for swinging the axe…” “fuck your sugar coated solutions they make me sick…” But really? Would you know? But we all need lyrics. Don’t deny the fact.

So I guess if you’re into Reversal Of Man, The Red Scare, Orchid etc, (oh, did I mention The Loust?) this should fit into your bill pretty nicely. Definitely raw, powerful and worth checking out.