Limp - s/t - CD (1999)

Labels: Coldfront
Review by: Mark Skold

I think I must have had my head stuck up my butt for an important announcement sometime over the last year and a half, because I only heard about this the other day. After falling in love with the bubble-gum hooks and happy poppiness of Limp, I was bummed, to say the least when I heard that their debut 7″ was out of print and impossible to find.

It turns out that Coldfront Records thought they could make some bucks off of Limp’s rising underground following by re-printing some of these things and selling them to people who managed to jump on the bandwagon just a little too late. People like me.

So this little gem was re-released in 1998 sometime, and I got it, and it’s cool. Just like most of the stuff Limp do. Greg Heston, I think he’s a Bad Religion guy, recorded this for Limp as payment for Phil, the singer, fixing his bathroom. Or something.

4 songs, Ack, Bankrupt, She Smiles and an early version of Ode to M, which later appeared on their debut full length “Pop and Disorderly”. Every song is a jewel of catchy, grab-you-by-the-nipples pop punk. Except for Ode to M, which when compared with the album version is a pile of shit. But you know what they say – 3 out of 4 ain’t bad. And this ain’t bad at all.