Portrait - s/t - 7

Labels: Stickfigure
Review by: Andy Malcolm

Well, it came as a bit of a surprise to me when I heard there were going to be 3 final songs from this band. A nice surprise though. Not a nasty one. Like, waking up in the morning to find your feet on fire, or looking in the mirror and finding out that you have a hens face. No, a nice surprise, like, finding a free car. Or something.

Portrait were one of a triumvurate (good word, probably spelled wrong) of 3 screamy-emo bands from the late 90’s who played the style better than most. I, Robot and Saetia being the other two. The other band they compare well to is Inkwell. Who had a song called “Portrait”. Coincidink?

Anyway, now this 3 song 7″ makes it out into the open. It follows on pretty well from the 10″ they did, though the recording is kinda muddy. I think it might have been done live? They have strained vocals that are by turns screamy or shouty, over grooving guitars and also their trademark freewheelin’ violin. Works super well. They wind in the melodies amidst the noisiness and aren’t afraid of getting twinkly. Yay! “Junction at Barcelona” actually is very melodic and it reminds me of I Hate Myself, straight forward but with that total air of desperation and emo-ness. Dual vocal crying. Waaaaaaah! Perfect.

I have no idea what the folks from this band are doing now. Probably something very different. I expect it’ll be worth checking out though, I think at least one of the people who was in Portrait was previously in the awesome Kossabone Red. So they’ll likely go on and do something worth hearing.

Well, for those who like their emo screamy will either have this already or be picking it up very soon. Sucks for me that so few bands do this sort of thing lately.