Is This Real hog the a-side of this little thing with two songs that sound like a cross between Gorilla Biscuits and Frail but never really detonating in the way a collision of those two styles really should. Similar in style and sound to Hypatia there’s plenty of promise here, but as of yet their youthful enthusiasm wants a touch of fine-tuning before they’ll be ready to truly set the world on fire.
When it comes to This Ship Will Sink I’m pretty much out of hyperbole. Musically and ideologically they’ve been one of the most consistently inspiring bands of recent times, and while this isn’t their best song it’s still one in the eye for every slack sack of shit peddling the same tired lines and recycled riffs currently cheating hardcore out of its urgency. Complex, ferocious and totally engaging, these guys were a masterful act at the top of their game and we can only hope something similarly great springs from their ashes.